Men's Ministry
The Greater Light Men’s Ministry is a life-impacting ministry to men, saved and unsaved, by men and with men; building them up and mobilizing them for the work in God’s Kingdom focusing on the transformation of their hearts resulting in living the lives of Godly men and becoming disciples for Christ for spiritual leadership in the family, church, workplace and community; as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
The endeavor of the Two Becoming One couples’ ministry is to equip and strengthen marriages by helping couples discover God’s plan for their marriage as well as their unique roles as husband and wife through the study of His Word. To encourage and support couples in their marriage relationship by connecting couples with other couples in the body of Christ through fellowship so we can continually support and encourage one another and to provide couples the opportunity to serve the body of Christ together. He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.

Youth Ministry
Coming Soon
Cross Trainers’ Youth Ministry creates an atmosphere of “spiritual activity” through cross training and discipleship. Teaching, encouraging, and sharing with GLCC and community youth a sense of purpose according to God’s divine plan and will for their lives – demonstrating and confirming that they are indeed the Church of today – through the principles of fellowship, discipleship, worship, ministry, service, missions and evangelism.
The vision of the Women’s Ministry is to be a community connecting with God & caring for people. Our hope is that every woman or person, who comes in contact with the Greater Light Christian Center family, will have an unforgettable experience of encouragement and empowerment. It is our vision that every woman be WHOLE (Women Healing Openly & Loving Equally). We the women of GLCC and others will also become “Women of Power” (WOP’s). Our Young women will no longer be in want of validation from anyone but God. Our young women will become YWOP’s (Young Women of Power). We hope to cultivate a synergy of caring about each other and not let any woman or girl fall through the cracks.
"God has not given us a spirit of fear: but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7 (KJV)

Usher Ministry
As a Ministry we arrive first to meet and direct the congregation to a comfortable seat. To meet, greet and seat all those who enter Greater Light Christian Center. To extend to each visitor and member a friendly greeting so they will be in the right frame of mind to receive the message from the pastor. To be in attendance at all functions of the church and to support our Pastor at all times. We also make sure that perfect order is kept in church.
The GLCC Music Ministry is anointed, progressive and exciting. Each time we minister, we are given another opportunity to share the joy and exuberance of praising God. When we come together, we invite God to dwell, live in, and get comfortable in our offering of praise! If you’re a musician or singer with a heart for God and not ashamed to praise Him with boldness, we are the ministry for you!
The vision for the GLCC Music Ministry is to maintain a musical program of excellence incorporating praise and worship teams, including singers, musicians, praise choirs, choirs for special performances, dramatizations, and live recordings.

Security Team
The goal of the Greater Light Christian Center Security Team is to see that every visitor and member that comes to the Greater Light Christian Center feels safe and relaxed enabling them to be open to receive the word that the Lord has for them in a safe care free environment.
Witnessing MINISTRY
We are the voice and the hand that encourages people to change their lives with hope, comfort and peace.
We encourage personal growth and empowering people to build strong relationships with others which will help build strong Christians values and the body of Christ.
False assurance of salvation is a major problem today. Witnessing is not just something we merely do; it is something we live to by.
If you have a revival in your spirit and want others to have the joy and peace of knowing Jesus, help us share with others the love we have in Jesus; help others to become a Christian and have a better relationship with our Lord and Savior, whose name is Jesus.

The mission of the GLCC Hospitality Ministry is to be hospitable at all times; by way of a reception or entertainment. We will minister to members, strangers or guests without any reward. We are kind, generous and liberal to those whom we serve. Hospitality is an extension of our Pastor’s love for all people.
“Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.” Peter 4:9